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Old Glasgow Pubs by john gorevan


J Fritz Rupprecht.


The Watching and Lighting Committee of Greater Glasgow were entertained to dinner by Bailie Gray, the convener on 20th November 1891. The spread was purveyed in fine style by Mr J Fritz Rupprecht of the North British Station Hotel.

The Menu: Oysters (Whitstable), Boiled Turbot, Shrimp Sauce, Fried Fillet of Sole, Tortoise Sauce.

Veal Sweetbread a la Toulouse, Chicken Sautee a L'Imperateur, Haggis, Roast Sirloin of Beef.

Boiled Turkey, Celery Sauce, York Ham, Ox Tongue, Pheasants and Partridges, Citron Pudding, Champagne Jelly, Vanilla Cream, Truffles, Compote of Fruit, Cheese Straws, Venicien. Coffee.

The Pen and Pencil Club had a dinner at the North British Station Hotel on 27th November 1891. The Club thanked Mr J Fritz Rupprecht for his wonderful service.


Cosomme of Chicken, Lobster Mayonaise, Prawn in Aspic

Roast Sirloin of Beer and Aspic, Roast leg of Mutton and Aspic

Roast Turkey, Roast Chicken, York Ham, Ox Tongue, Galantine of Veal

Hunter's Beef, Game Pies


Hot Potatoes, Peas and French beans.

Apple Meringue, Sultan Jelly, Vanilla Cream, Macaroni au Gratin. Dessert Coffee.




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